many cases, family members have no idea they are in
danger until the smoke alarm or carbon monoxide alarm
warns them. These two danger alert systems are by far
the most important security features of any home and
only the highest quality systems should be trusted.
If your home is not protected by a fire and carbon
monoxide alert system or your current system does not
include a wireless back up system and a direct
connection to a 24 hour a day, 7 day a week monitoring
service, give Ohio Valley Monitoring a call right now.
A properly installed and easy to use fire warning system
along with fire extinguishers or a sprinkler system is
your family’s best chance to survive a true emergency.
Call OVM and talk to one of our highly trained staff
members to learn more about how you can keep your family
and your home safe in case of fire.
All Ohio Valley Monitoring fire safety systems are
closely watched 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by
security professionals located in our local area.